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2017 Not-For-Profit/For Purpose* Breakfast Seminar: Critical Governance Issues of Not-for-Profit Boards

Tuesday, May 16, 2017 8:00 am - 10:30 am

Tuesday, May 16, 2017T2017 Not-For-Profit/For Purpose* Breakfast Seminar Critical Governance Issues of Not-for-Profit Boards

8:00am - 10:30am

DeSales University Center

2755 Station Avenue, Center Valley, PA 18034

Thank you for joining us for this educational session covering key governance issues affecting not-for-profit organizations.

Through an interactive panel discussion, we explored critical issues and other factors impacting the governance of not-for-profit organizations. We discussed the circumstances surrounding these matters as well as how to develop best practices to mitigate your risk. Our discussion included insight on the following subjects:

  • Fiduciary responsibility
  • Board composition
  • Failing to monitor program effectiveness or to make course corrections
  • Not wrestling with the tough questions
  • Strategic (& succession!) planning


  • J. Jackson Eaton, III, Esq., Partner, Gross McGinley LLP
  • Harold (Hal) G. Black, President of the Board of Managers of the Bach Choir
  • Maxine Romano, Director, Audit and Accounting



8:00am - 8:30am             Registration and breakfast

8:30am - 10:30am           Seminar


*We've recently begun reframing our reference to the Not-For-Profit industry as "For Purpose." We're hopeful the term will catch on, as we think it better reflects the mission-driven culture and focus of the organizations in this industry. 

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