
8:30 AM to 9:00 AM            Registration and breakfast

9:00 AM to 10:00 AM            Fuel Management

Speaker: Glen Sokolis, President, Sokolis Group Fuel Management & Consulting

After a rollercoaster year of rising fuel costs, it’s hard to predict where prices will go from here.  One thing that is certain—managing fuel costs will continue to be critical for your organization.  Glen Sokolis will provide some valuable tips as well as his insight on where we go from here.

10:00 AM to 11:00 AM            Taxation at the State Level

Speaker: Linda Kramer, State and Local Tax Strategist, Kreischer Miller Tax Strategies

During this session we’ll provide an update, as well as answer your questions, on the following tax topics:

  • Nexus
  • Sales and use tax, including exemption certificates
  • Taxation of internet sales
  • Self-audit questionnaires

Click here to request information.