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Not-For-Profit Industry Webinar | Form 990: A Practical Review

Thursday, March 30, 2023 9:00 am - 10:00 am

Form 990 is a complex IRS form providing both financial and non-financial information on a tax-exempt organization’s annual activities. As a public document, the scrutiny of the data provided by charitable organizations has increased significantly as users of the form require more transparency and accountability.

This webinar aimed to provide Board Members (new and experienced), finance and accounting personnel, and/or donors/grantors who support various charitable organizations with a deeper understanding of the purpose of Form 990 and of how the information should be presented and understood.

Kreischer Miller’s Not-For-Profit industry group hosted an informative webinar on the purpose of Form 990, the content included in the Form, and how information presented is interpreted and understood by various users.

Agenda items included:

  • Identify the various Form 990 filings
  • Understand the purpose and key content of the Core Form 990 and Supplemental Schedules
  • Learn how to interpret and understand the information presented, and to identify key questions to ask

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