Center for Private Company Excellence Seminar: Developing the Next Generation of Leaders in a Family-Owned Business
Thursday, September 27, 2018 7:30 am - 10:00 am
Thursday, September 27
This interactive and informative program explored the following:
- The role of next generation development within the broader succession plan of a family business
- Potential avenues for next generation leaders to gain the knowledge and experience they need to assume responsibility for the business
- How generational dynamics affect relationships between current and future family business leaders
- A panel discussion with family business leaders who have already gone, or are currently in the middle of, the leadership succession process and the lessons they've learned
- Steven Staugaitis, Director, Kreischer Miller
- Bobbi D. Kelly, Director, Human Resources, Kreischer Miller
- Heidi McKenna, President, Fredericks Company
- Lan McIlvain, President, Alan McIlvain Co.
- Alan McIlvain, Chairman/Retired, Alan McIlvain Co.
Watch the Video: